With firms such as Framatome and BWX Technologies headquartered in the City, Lynchburg is the leading nuclear technology cluster in the U.S. The Lynchburg area has a storied history of nuclear technology capability, starting with the original Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) facility opening in 1955. Decades later, Framatome (formerly AREVA) and B&W jointly opened the Operational Center of Excellence for Nuclear Products and Services in North America. In 2015, Babcock and Wilcox founded BWX Technologies to focus on nuclear operations. As nuclear technology and innovation forms a larger impact on alternative power generation, biotechnology, cybersecurity, and other sectors, the opportunity to grow and expand Lynchburg’s nuclear technology sector is substantial. Not to mention, the sector has the potential to enhance Lynchburg’s brand and competitive identity by associating the City with innovation and emerging technologies.